Today the FAA has published an amendment to the SFAR. It is important to note that the SFAR does NOT extend relief to pilots covered under the previous SFAR. For example, the old SFAR covered flight reviews due March – June 2020. The new SFAR added pilots due July – Sept 2020.
Pilot Knowledge Test Validity period:
The old SFAR extended for three months test results expiring March – June 2020. The new amendment allows for knowledge test expiring July – Sept, 2020 to remain valid for three months. If for example your knowledge test expires March 31, it is extended until June 30. If your knowledge test expires June 30, it now expires September 30.
Flight Review
- If you were current to act as PIC in March 2020 (had a current flight review)
- Your flight review was/is due in March 2020 through September 2020
- Pilots in any operation that requires at least a commercial pilot certificate (for compensation or hire, flight instruction, NOT pleasure flight!)
- Or, operations requiring private pilot certificates who have:
- 500 hours total time
- 400 hours as PIC
- 50 hours in the last 12 calendar months
- Doing these types of operations:
- Incidental to business or employment
- In support of family medical needs or to transport essential goods for personal use
- Necessary to fly an aircraft to a location in order to meet a requirement of this chapter
- A flight to transport essential goods and/or medical supplies to support public health needs
- Persons onboard must be essential to the flight
Then, your flight review can be extended for three calendar months if,
To mitigate any safety risk, the pilot must have logged at least 10 hours of PIC time within the twelve calendar months preceding the month the flight review was due. This flight time must be obtained in an aircraft for which that pilot is rated. In addition, eligible pilots will need to complete FAA Safety Team online courses totaling at least three WINGS credits. The courses must have been completed in January 2020 or later to meet this requirement. Completion of the safety courses demonstrates continued learning and pilot professional development.
For example, if your flight review was due in March, it will expire June 30! It’s validity is NOT being extended!
Remember, this is for ANY OPERATION REQUIRING A COMMERCIAL CERTIFICATE and very specific as to private privileges. The relief does NOT cover pleasure flights!
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